Monday, June 20, 2011

Mr. Johnson goes to Washington

So Anthony Weiner finally threw in the semen soaked towel and resigned. Shame. I have no idea what his Congressional record is, but the fact he had to leave the hallowed intern fondling halls of our capitol over sending some pix of his doodle to some ladies is ridiculous. As I stated in an earlier post, the penis is public enemy number one in America and the subject of eternal folly. In Europe, the legislators openly run around with their pants down, arm in arm with their mistresses. But not in moral America! Here if you so much as say the word masturbation, your career is pretty much over. Sure the guy is a narcissistic creep. No one really wanted to see that veiny ghoul in his birthday suit. It's just funny how we've forgotten the worst environmental disaster EVER a mere year later, but were all up in arms about some guy's branch of government.

I was at a barbecue recently where the majority of the folks were thirty something, childless goths with crappy jobs. The topics of conversation ranged from the genetic curse of small breasts to everyone's pubic hair shaving proclivities. It was open, frank and refreshing. The bulk of the people sharing being ladies. I am not used to this kind of honesty with girls. It's usually around dudes at work. If only the whole nation could drop it's hangups about sex and just TALK!! Maybe if Weiner's colleagues, wife and admirers were so open minded, we wouldn't have to waste our time worrying about such a stupid occurence.

The country is built around sex. We sell stuff with it, to get it, to enhance it, and even to prevent it. It is the thing that drives most men, and drives most women to depression. Do you think the troops overseas care about if some guy is Tweeting his Twanger to the world at large. Doubt it. They probably want to make sure they'll have proper equipment in the battlefield and benefits when they come home. Did the civil rights movement get derailed during the era of free love? Nope. Some things are just way more frigging important. So, I'm sorry Mr. Weiner, you picked the wrong job in the wrong country and the wrong vehicle with which to rock out with your junior staffer out. I'm sure he'll turn up on his feet somehow. Elliot Spitzer, Clinton and Pee Wee did. Your time will come(no pun intended). Just hang low and wait out the crisis. In the meantime, why not try other social media besides Twitter? How about MySpace or LiveJournal? Believe me, nobody will see your dick there.

Oh, and he should totally be the grand marshall at the Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest this summer.

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